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Update on 7th March 2021
In line with the Government’s roadmap to releasing lockdown, we would confirm that it is our plan to start training for the new season week commencing 29th March 2021. The Lancashire League season for the first and second XI’s start on Sunday 18th April and for the third XI on Sunday 11th April. If the lockdown plan remains as currently planned, the club will reopen during the week commencing Monday 12th April. Unless Covid 19 restrictions prevent travel, our professional for the season will be Grant Roelofsen from South Africa.
The Annual General Meeting
As you will be aware from today’s announcements, Lancashire (including Rossendale) will be moving into Tier 4 lockdown regulations as from midnight tonight. This means that there is no realistic prospect of the club reopening for some time to come. We are unable to re-open the club until we move into Tier 1 as we do not satisfy the Tier 2 regulations on providing food and the likelihood of that move seems somewhat remote at the present time, so sadly we have to remain closed. Whilst we would prefer to be open, we are in a reasonable financial position and...
Raymond Scott - 90 Years Old
Everyone at Haslingden Cricket Club is delighted to wish Raymond a very happy 90th birthday for 24th August 2020. He celebrated his birthday with his wife, 3 daughters and grandchildren at his home in Sidmouth, Devon. Raymond was the 323rd player to play for Haslingden Cricket Club and on the 12th June 1950 aged just 19 years, he made his debut at Bentgate against Colne Cricket Club scoring 19 not out in a drawn match where the Colne professional was Bill Alley (Australia). This innings bizarrely turned out to be the highest score Raymond made for Haslingden at his home...